Welcoming Schools
As you know our school has been involved in the Welcoming Schools Project. This project has enabled the school to look at how welcoming we are and to enhance and develop this area further. We are now in our second year of the project and it comes to an end in June.
Over the next few months your child will be involved in many class activities as part of the Welcoming Schools project e.g.
- Media Initiative lessons
- Class and School Council activities
- Pupils Questionnaire
- Welcoming Schools displays
A representative from International Fund for Ireland will visit our school in June to see our work on the project. They will then decide which prestigious award Mt St Catherine’s should receive.
At the end of June we will celebrate the completion of the project with children, parents, staff and the board of governors.
Welcoming Schools Team:
What have we done so far in the Welcoming Schools Project?
- Questionnaires created on topic - How welcoming is our school?
- Completed by Board of Governor s, teachers, Classroom Assistants, non-teaching staff & Parents.
- Finding of Questionnaire compiled.
- Interior of school, noticeboards, displays etc. improved.
- New Primary 1 Welcome Packs Made.
- Welcoming Schools Assembly to Introduce the Project to the Children.
- Learning Fair in Lough Neagh Discovery Centre.
- Intoduction of Media Iniative puppets in Primary 1 and 2.
- New Welcoming Schools Pop-up Display created for Mount St. Catherines Primary School.
- Esags - film made of the school linking 'Welcoming Schools'