Primary 6 /7 - Mrs Gervin
Welcome to Primary 6/7!
We are excited to have all our girls and boys back in school.
Primary 6/7 is a very busy year! We will be celebrating your Confirmation, attending swimming lessons, visiting Armagh Planetarium and of course enjoying lots of school trips. There will also be opportunities to represent our school at blitzes and quiz competitions.
Class start time is: 9:00 am.
Make sure you bring in one healthy item to eat at break time.
(Remember not to bring any food containing nuts as some boys and girls have nut allergies)
We finish at 3:00 pm from Monday to Thursday and 2.00 pm on Friday.
P.E. is on Thursday (Rugby with Harry Doyle).
Swimming will take place on Friday during 1st Term and Wednesday during 3rd Term please bring £3.50 to help with covering the cost of lessons and transport.
Our wonderful classroom assistants are Mrs Shannon and Mrs Callaghan.
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